2014-05-16 5:26 AM
2014-05-19 1:17 AM
For me works, but in HAL_init() I got always HAL_NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4); doesn't matter of NVIC window setup.
--------------------- Windows7x64 STM32CubeF4 1.1.0 STM32CubeMX 4.2.0 standalone and Eclipse 4.3.2 plugin ---------------------2014-05-20 9:47 AM
I noticed this problem, too. It only happens when opening a saved *.ioc file. When creating a new one, it works just fine!
This should be fixed. It's definitely just a bug in their GUI code.2014-05-23 10:12 AM
2014-05-23 11:41 AM
Well, when I went to test the one I have here at work, I found another issue: I have Java u55 installed, but Cube keeps giving me this error when I try to boot it up now:
2014-05-23 6:02 PM
Attached is the file I know is not working. This is the problem at least I experience:
2014-05-26 4:51 AM
Bug is confirmed. Thank you for reporting this issue. We'll try to fix it for the next official release.