2018-06-29 9:38 AM
I have generated a makefile project with cubemx. Furthermore, I was able to import that project in to Atollic (New->Makefile Project with Exisiting Code).
I am able to successfully compile the project, however I am unable to debug i.e. I would like to use breakpoints, look at register values, etc.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?
2018-07-02 11:22 AM
2018-07-03 8:40 AM
Thank you for your response.
I was able to follow the video, however this specific video did not go through the option of debugging a makefile project. I would like to use a makefile project along with ST-LINK to debug my code? Does this option exist with TrueSTUDIO?
2018-07-05 1:20 AM
,Let me share what I did:
With CubeMx tool
- Creation of the Makefile project for L476RG With TrueSTUDIO - File, New C Project, Empty project with Atollic ARM Tools, Next and Finish - File, New Folder, link to alternate location (where project from CubeMx is), Finish - Creation in Build Targets (build, and clean), as following formake --print-directory -C ../../NUCLEO-L476RG -f Makefile GCC_PATH=&39c:/gcc-arm/bin/&39
(Fixed relative path from workspace to actual source code location) - Built/cleaned with these targets - Created Debug Setting, Embedded C/C++ Application, Target Settings with the Device (NUCLEO-L476RG in my case) with Debug probe set as ST-LINK probe with SWD I could start a debug session. Note rebuild when relaunch has to fixed. Hoping that gives idea to follow. Regards. Cyril