2015-04-22 2:24 AM
STM32Cube fails to calculate the correct register values for I2S3. The clock system provides 96MHz as I2C clock and the selected sample frequency is 8kHz and 16 bit data format. Therefore the I2S3 settings should be (as shown in the data sheet):
I2SDIV: 187 I2SODD: 1 The sample rate can be calculated as: 96MHz / (2*187+1) / (2*16) = 8000 But STM32Cube calculates: I2SDIV: 183 I2SODD: 0 which gives a sample rate on: 96M / (2*183+0) / 2*16 = 8196,72 #stm32f4 #i2s #cubemx