2013-11-06 08:45 AM
I have just got hold of an STM324x9I-EVAL board as a base to develop a platform for new products. I am unable though to locate a version of the STM32F2-F4_Demonstration_Builder which supports this board. In fact I can't even locate anywhere the original software which runs on the board from new. Does anyone know if there is a version or if one is imminent? Seems odd not to have one for this board.
Without this the task will be much more involved just to get things running (especially for a mainly hardware engineer!)2013-11-06 09:56 AM
There are a bunch of examples in STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.2.0\Project\STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Examples
You're probably looking for STM32F4_EW2013_Demo_MB1046.zip (or MB1063) or whatever the current equivalent is. And related source STM324x9I-EVAL-MB1046. Though honestly there are probably of heap of licensing issues there. Look also at the STemWin release. Suggest you push into ST via usual reps and FAE's.2013-11-07 01:07 AM