2014-09-11 7:38 AM
I was wondering why in the stm32439i-eval2 dev board, the am640480G5TNQW LCD is configured to be used in a 480x272 (unusual) defnition. Is it possible to use it at 640x480 as part of driver allow it ? Moreover, the camera embedded is a 2MP, so again why the image in the demo is cropped to the lcd definition ? Regards #stm32439i-eval2-am640480g5tnqw2014-09-11 8:03 AM
Probably because most of the original STM324x9I-EVAL boards had an MB1046 panel a 16:9 480x272 display? And not the MB1063
I've seen demo packages built for both different panels, inquire via you ST FAE or rep.2014-09-16 6:35 AM
ty Clive,
I got the 1063, looking for enabling a wider display. Btw the CAMERA to USB disk is not functionnal on the 1063. The dislay his cut on the bottom half and there are 4 minidisplay with lacking lines on the top. When I got time I'll look further. Regards.