2014-02-06 7:29 AM
I've recently started developing on the STM32429I-EVAL board. The user manual mentions 'demonstration software', but I'm unable to find the source online. I'm fairly new to developing for ST boards, am I right in thinking all I need is the StdPeriph files to get started? I know Keil has introduced the 'Pack' scheme but I can't seem to find a pack for this board. The built in Keil 'blinky' example works for this board but doesn't appear to use the StdPeriph drivers, which I think I'll need to use for access to more peripherals.I've tried using the StdPeriphLib (version 1.3) and attempted to load the template Keil example with the SAI_Audio example. I get the error:Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol IOE_WriteIOPin (referred from stm324xg_eval_audio_codec.o). I've included stm324x9i_eval_ioe8.h and stm324x9i_eval_ioe16.h.Any tips on how to get up and running with Keil & StdPeripDrivers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.2014-02-06 9:04 AM
Think you'd want to seek other support routes inside ST, via a rep or FAE.
I'm also not sure of the merits of building code for the STM324xG-EVAL platform, when you have code for the STM324x9I-EVAL one :STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.3.0\Utilities\STM32_EVAL\STM324x9I_EVAL\stm324x9i_eval_audio_codec.c2014-02-07 3:48 AM
Thanks for the reply. Not sure why it was trying to include the
STM324xG-EVAL, I seem to have fixed it now and have basic audio streaming with SAI using purely the std periph library. It seems copying the template project and removing 'read-only' permissions also helped.
2014-02-18 3:18 AM
I'm also new to ST.
Where do you get the sample programs for stm32429 I- Eval BOARD ?Thanks2014-02-18 3:45 AM
Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any firmware examples available for this board. Please let me know if you come across any. I'm just using the std peripheral library, which supports the board. Dedicated examples would be nice however.
2014-02-18 9:48 AM
2014-02-18 10:07 AM
I came across that, I believe he has the Evaluation board though. Which has different peripherals, ect. http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259093