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STM3210VE, 8G SD card , SDIO 4bits bus, DMA mode-STOne-32,help me please

Associate II
Posted on September 17, 2010 at 03:07

STM3210VE, 8G SD card , SDIO 4bits bus, DMA mode-STOne-32,help me please

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07

Can you pleas attach the whole project, that works with such SD cards?

It would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07

420KB / S to write the file is too slow, I'm improving.

When writing the file the CPU is waiting for DMA, DMA can not play the greatest effectiveness.

I was to change the code, it will be updated here. 

Tomorrow is

China National Day

, I come back in 7 days.

Happy Holidays!

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07

      DMA_TxConfiguration(writebuff, (NumberOfBlocks * BlockSize));

      while ((DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA2_FLAG_TC4) == RESET) && (DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA2_FLAG_TE4) == RESET) && (TransferError == SD_OK)); // TransferError set by interrupt handler.


Every time when configuring DMA, CPU in a wait state.

This is very bad you know.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07

please attach the whole project...I have same problem.....


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07

I rewrite the code,There are few


in the sdcard.c.

I try to attach the new project,but the Great Fire know......

so.the changs below:

SD_Error SD_EnableWideBusOperation(u32 WideMode)


  SD_Error errorstatus = SD_OK;

  /* MMC Card doesn't support this feature */



    errorstatus = SD_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE;



  else if ((SDIO_STD_CAPACITY_SD_CARD_V1_1 == CardType) || (SDIO_STD_CAPACITY_SD_CARD_V2_0 == CardType) || (SDIO_HIGH_CAPACITY_SD_CARD == CardType))


    if (SDIO_BusWide_8b == WideMode)


      errorstatus = SD_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE;



    else if (SDIO_BusWide_4b == WideMode)


      errorstatus = SDEnWideBus(ENABLE);

      if (SD_OK == errorstatus)


        /* Configure the SDIO peripheral */

//        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_ClockDiv = SDIO_TRANSFER_CLK_DIV;


        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_ClockDiv = SDIO_TRANSFER_CLK_DIV + 9;//6M 


        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_ClockEdge = SDIO_ClockEdge_Rising;

        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_ClockBypass = SDIO_ClockBypass_Disable;

        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_ClockPowerSave = SDIO_ClockPowerSave_Disable;

  SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_BusWide = SDIO_BusWide_4b;

//        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_HardwareFlowControl = SDIO_HardwareFlowControl_Disable;

        SDIO_InitStructure.SDIO_HardwareFlowControl = SDIO_HardwareFlowControl_Disable;





SD_Error SD_WriteMultiBlocks(u32 addr, u32 *writebuff, u16 BlockSize, u32 NumberOfBlocks)



     DMA_TxConfiguration(writebuff, (NumberOfBlocks * BlockSize));

      while ((DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA2_FLAG_TC4) == RESET) && (DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA2_FLAG_TE4) == RESET) && (TransferError == SD_OK)); // TransferError set by interrupt handler.

      if (DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA2_FLAG_TE4)==SET) TransferError = SD_ERROR;    //uart_puts(''DMA Transfer error\n'');   

      if (TransferError!=SD_OK) return(TransferError);

//      while (DMA_GetFlagStatus(DMA2_FLAG_TC4) == RESET)

//      {}

      while ((TransferEnd == 0) && (TransferError == SD_OK))


      if (TransferError != SD_OK)






  /* Clear all the static flags */


  /* Wait till the card is in programming state *///�?等待flash擦写完毕

//  errorstatus = IsCardProgramming(&cardstate);


//  while ((errorstatus == SD_OK) && ((cardstate == SD_CARD_PROGRAMMING) || (cardstate == SD_CARD_RECEIVING)))

//  {

//    errorstatus = IsCardProgramming(&cardstate);

//  }




FRESULT f_write (

 FIL *fp,   /* Pointer to the file object */

 const void *buff, /* Pointer to the data to be written */

 UINT btw,   /* Number of bytes to write */

 UINT *bw   /* Pointer to number of bytes written */



 for ( ;  btw;         /* Repeat until all data transferred */

  wbuff += wcnt, fp->fptr += wcnt, *bw += wcnt, btw -= wcnt) {

  if ((fp->fptr % SS(fp->fs)) == 0) {   /* On the sector boundary? */

   if (fp->csect >= fp->fs->csize) {  /* On the cluster boundary? */

    if (fp->fptr == 0) {    /* On the top of the file? */

     clst = fp->org_clust;   /* Follow from the origin */

     if (clst == 0)     /* When there is no cluster chain, */

      fp->org_clust = clst = create_chain(fp->fs, 0); /* Create a new cluster chain */

    } else {       /* Middle or end of the file */

     clst = create_chain(fp->fs, fp->curr_clust);   /* Follow or streach cluster chain */


    if (clst == 0) break;    /* Could not allocate a new cluster (disk full) */

    if (clst == 1) ABORT(fp->fs, FR_INT_ERR);

    if (clst == 0xFFFFFFFF) ABORT(fp->fs, FR_DISK_ERR);

    fp->curr_clust = clst;    /* Update current cluster */

    fp->csect = 0;      /* Reset sector address in the cluster */


//before i am writting,i format the clusters to 32KB because i write less than 32KB one time


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07

There are much other codes in the whole project and it is b

elonging to the company,i'm sorry.

If you attach  your project,

I can fix it and test it in the t

he same environment

 for you.

Posted on May 17, 2011 at 14:07


I'm using 4bit wide SDIO with DMA. I haven't encountered any problems with DMA, only SDIO CRC errors after writing. Increasing SDIO_TRANSFER_CLK_DIV by one solved the problem. I'm using the code from CMSIS 3.3.0 examples directory.