2016-06-16 10:19 AM
hi,I am tring to use usb virtual port to transmit data to pc.
MCU:STM32F373 100pinscubemx: usb device fs checkedusb:communication device classPC: windows 10heap size: 0x200stack size :0x400when i plug usb cable to pc,it can not be recognised.In device manager,it shows Device Descriptor Request Failed. ST VCP driver installed. BTW, when I debug it, it could goes into USB_LP_IRQHandler after MX_USB_DEVICE_Init() excuted.thanks.2016-06-16 4:00 PM
You can refer to this , it may be helpful Regards2016-06-17 2:03 AM
Could you please precise which versions of CubeMx and firmware are you using ?Regards2016-06-17 7:20 PM
2016-06-17 7:36 PM
I have noticed this discussion before my post,I checked the points the topic referred.But it help less to my problem2016-06-18 5:54 AM
I found that it frequently goes into HAL_PCD_IRQHandler,typed as ESOF,which means Expected Start Of Frame.And when I try to send some data via CDC_Transmit_FS function,the hcdc->TxState is always busy state.I have tried sevral ways to work it out,but problem remains.Need help.2016-06-18 7:52 AM
Some inforamtion about configuration foe USB CDC.Generated by CUBEMX
Basic Parameters:
USBD_MAX_NUM_INTERFACES (Maximum number of supported interfaces) 1
USBD_MAX_NUM_CONFIGURATION (Maximum number of supported configuration) 1
USBD_MAX_STR_DESC_SIZ (Maximum size for the string descriptors) 512
USBD_SUPPORT_USER_STRING (Enable user string descriptor) Disabled
USBD_SELF_POWERED (Enabled self power) Enabled
USBD_DEBUG_LEVEL (USBD Debug Level) 0: No debug message
Class Parameters:
USBD_CDC_INTERVAL (Number of micro-frames interval) 1000
Device Descriptor:
VID (Vendor IDentifier) 1155
LANGID_STRING (Language Identifier) English(United States)
MANUFACTURER_STRING (Manufacturer Identifier) STMicroelectronics
Device Descriptor FS:
PID (Product IDentifier) 22336
PRODUCT_STRING (Product Identifier) STM32 Virtual ComPort
SERIALNUMBER_STRING (Serial number) 00000000001A
CONFIGURATION_STRING (Configuration Identifier) CDC Config
INTERFACE_STRING (Interface Identifier) CDC Interfac
2016-06-21 1:40 AM
Are you using CDC example from Cube package ?Could you please give me the DeviceClass and DeviceSubClass values ?
Regards2016-06-23 6:53 AM
Hi,these code was generated by CUBEMX automaticly.
I am new to USB CDC,I find no DeviceSubClass item in my project.What I found is listed below,I don't know if it is the DeviceClass you mentioned.Thansk.__ALIGN_BEGIN uint8_t USBD_FS_DeviceDesc[USB_LEN_DEV_DESC] __ALIGN_END = { 0x12, /*bLength */ USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE, /*bDescriptorType*/ 0x00, /* bcdUSB */ 0x02, 0x02, /*bDeviceClass*/ 0x02, /*bDeviceSubClass*/ 0x00, /*bDeviceProtocol*/ USB_MAX_EP0_SIZE, /*bMaxPacketSize*/ LOBYTE(USBD_VID), /*idVendor*/ HIBYTE(USBD_VID), /*idVendor*/ LOBYTE(USBD_PID_FS), /*idVendor*/ HIBYTE(USBD_PID_FS), /*idVendor*/ 0x00, /*bcdDevice rel. 2.00*/ 0x02, USBD_IDX_MFC_STR, /*Index of manufacturer string*/ USBD_IDX_PRODUCT_STR, /*Index of product string*/ USBD_IDX_SERIAL_STR, /*Index of serial number string*/ USBD_MAX_NUM_CONFIGURATION /*bNumConfigurations*/ } ;2016-06-24 3:42 AM
May be you should try with compatibility mode settings for windows 7/8 .Regards