2009-05-24 01:24 AM
STM32 sample rejection
2011-05-17 04:12 AM
Hi there,
I have requested some samples of STM32F103VBT6,for motor control application,but they have rejected my request,why it is so?,Are samples not available currently( not in stock )? Warm Regards2011-05-17 04:12 AM
I bought 20 of those last year, and I'm using them in a motor control application of my own. If ST don't want to give you any free ones, I'd still recommend buying them. They are a very nice chip.
As far as I know, the sample ones have the same specification as the purchased ones.2011-05-17 04:12 AM
Sorry - you/others are caught by the new, world-wide economic reality. All semi firms (not just ST) are under great pressure - have reduced staff and seek to further control costs.
Obtaining samples requires that you make an adequate, ''business case.'' You need to convince someone @ ST that your request has, ''legs.'' (will produce a volume order in the near future) Are you/your school/firm currently buying other ST devices? (this will help) Did you make your request via a business style email? If you're a student - get a professor to approve and make the request. If a small firm/individual you need to befriend your local Rep. These ''skills of persuasion'' will assist you in many other areas of your career. The denial can be turned to your advantage...