2016-12-05 4:57 PM
Dear All,
I want to have attention those who has experience on using coo-coox, I am writing here because coo-cox forum does not respond for successful logon.
My board is custom one build with centered 32F070RBTx,
The version is
CooCox CoIDE
Version: 1.7.8
Along withGNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.7 2012q4\bin, the following errors take place ,
[cc] arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -Wall -ffunction-sections -g -O0 -c ''-DC:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.7 2012q4\bin'' -IC:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\cmsis_boot - [cc] from C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\common\Inc/stm32f0xx_hal_conf.h:184, [cc] from C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\common\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Inc/stm32f0xx_hal.h:48 [cc] C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\components\coocox-master\cmsis_core\source/core_cm0.h:214:14: error: 'Program' undeclared here (not in a function) [cc] C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\components\coocox-master\cmsis_core\source/core_cm0.h:214:5: error: bit-field '<anonymous>' width not an integer constant [cc] C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\components\coocox-master\cmsis_core\source/core_cm0.h:214:14: error: expected ',', ';' or '}' before 'Files' [cc] C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\components\coocox-master\cmsis_core\source/core_cm0.h:214:14: error: stray '\' in program [cc] C:\STM32_toolchain\Workspace\Source_bak\components\coocox-master\cmsis_core\source/core_cm0.h:214:14: error: stray '\' in program1. Does it a problem for wrong version selection for CMSIS?
2. Is it a linking problem?
3. Do you want me to change build configuration and include all HAL library ? My device package is not available in Configuration database of Coo-cox.
KIndly take a look this view.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2016-12-08 1:55 AM
Dear Sir Liviu,
If its true then kindly visit this link,
There is no other IDE with a better knowledge of your program than Eclipse, and as such it helps you view your programs better
I do agree with you, but unknown reasons put me back.
2016-12-08 2:14 AM
kindly visit this link ...
yes, but what should I expect to find there? (my interest in the defunct Coo-cox is low)
unknown reasons put me back
Eclipse is a very powerful environment, but takes some time to get used to it.
2016-12-08 5:11 PM
yes, but what should I expect to find there? (my interest in the defunct Coo-cox is low
Some build noise is growing there, you might identify them.
Kindly take a look as you have experience in Eclipse.
2016-12-09 12:12 AM
there is nothing to see there, you simply failed to properly configure the include paths.
this is not rocket science, and it has nothing to do with Eclipse, the problem is the same even without an IDE: if the compiler cannot include a header, you need to identify the folder where it is located and add it to the list of include paths.
2016-12-09 1:37 AM
the problem is the same even without anIDE: if the compiler cannot include a header
you need to identify the folder where it is located and add it to the list of include paths.
These are common suggestion regarding including path, even you solve those problem, noise gets ON more !
this is not rocket science
If the project needs huge time, how do you convince your boss !
Their expectation goes faster then Rocket.