2010-12-19 12:50 PM
STM32 OSC32 output usage
2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Most likely the low voltage/power, and loading of the crystal. Check the Vpp and loading requirements of your system, and very short trace lengths.
Can't you use a copy of the 32 KHz presented at the MCO pin? Notwithstanding the fact that 32.768 KHz watch crystals should cost pennies.2011-05-17 5:18 AM
Hi Clive1,
Thank you for the information. Actaully, for MCO output, I've read the STM32 reference manual and as far as I understand MCO clock output could be possible for high speed clock and PLLs, therefore, for my understanding it won't be possible to get 32 khz clock output from MCO. (may be it could but I do not know how to do) Well, programming timer and getting a near 32 khz counter and interrupt may solve my problem. For clock crsytal, I think, master clock signal must be syncronized with CPU , I will check it, but most probably, you are rigth, external 32 khz clock connection may solve problem instead of using STM32 clocks or timer. Regards Gokcer2012-06-23 4:50 AM
2012-06-26 12:24 AM
Did you enable GPIOC clock? Do the other pins work? Did you check it with a scope/multimeter directly on the pin? Does it work when configured as input?