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stm32 interrupt timer1


I want to make 3 pwm with the timer1 on an stm32f103c8t6 and when the timer reaches its reset value an interrupt should be generated. I tried a lot but nothing worked. Can someone please tell me how I do this?


> I tried a lot but nothing worked.

What did you try and what are the symptoms of "nothing worked"?


I configured the timer for Channel2 PWM operation. This worked perfectly. Now I want everytime the timer reaches it s reset value that an interrupt happens were I can call a function. I tried to use the TIM1 update interrupt. I configured it in cubemx(activated it in NVIC and set it s priority to 4) then I tried to call my function directly in the update handler, I tried "HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback" function and manymore none did work. Can you show me how to do this ?

I don't use Cube/CubeMX.

It should be enough to enable the Update interrupt in timer:


then enable it in NVIC (after checking the proper symbol for this interrupt's number in the CMSIS-mandated device header):


Finally write the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), carefully checking its name against the vector table (usually in startup file, e.g. for gcc/Cube here):

void TIM1_UP_IRQHandler(void) {

if (TIM1->SR & TIM_SR_UIF) {


// here do whatever needed for this interrupt



Regardless of whether you do or don't use Cube/CubeMX, the real working of chip is given by content of its registers, so you should have a look at those in debugger. Here are some general tips to troubleshoot interrupts which don't fire.