2016-05-16 11:12 PM
hi all,
I have a program to use a USB2I2C bridge to program the STM32L4 via I2C protocol. Now I face a problem when I try to implement the protocol. When I send ''Get''(0x00, 0xff), I can receive the NAK. But I cannot receive any other data. anyone try this I2C bootloader before? I check the stm32flash, but not many hints from that. thanks i2c-bootloader2016-05-17 4:00 AM
Hi jiang.peng,
If a denied command is received, or if an error occurs during the command execution, the bootloader sends a NACK byte and goes back to command checking. Check if the RDP status, it should be disabled, otherwise all other commands are nacked
I recommend you to have a look to the
application note about I2C protocol used in the STM32 bootloader