2017-03-23 12:23 AM
Hi everyone,
I was trying to download firmware in system memory mode via USART using the STM Flash Loader Demonstrator (version 2.8.0). However, there is no '.STMap' memory map file for STM32F722RE/ZE.
anyone provide the STMap for
STM32F72x family or tell me how to modify through an existing STMap file (like STM32F7_4x_5x_1024K.STmap for example). I don't know what values should be filled in items like PacketSize, ACKVAL.
Thank you.
2017-06-22 12:32 AM
I am using STM32F746BG and change STmap file as:
Name=STM32F7_46_1024K_RAMPID=0449BID=1FF0EDBEFlashSize=0400 ;;ADDR_FLASH_SIZE=FFFFFFFF; TO BE DONE !!!!PacketSize=80ACKVAL=79MAPNAME=SectorsPagesPerSector=1family = 6;;; InternalRAM[InternalRAM]Name=userRAMAddress=20010000
Size=0001D000Type=111UFO=111you can use AN4852 for more