2012-04-30 11:23 AM
Hi all
I just received a STM32 discovery eval board . I am trying to learn to code new projects with it . Can you offer me a good book for this ? Thanks Elico #stm32-discovery2012-05-01 4:53 AM
The examples with the firmware library are useful, along with the documentation ARM publishes, and then there is always Google if you want to dig through the assort web tutorials.
Personally, I'd recommend Joseph Yiu's book as a good foundation on the Cortex parts. It all really depends on what you want from the book.2012-05-01 12:49 PM
I am interested in C coding .
I am new to arm . Elico2012-05-01 2:54 PM
I am interested in C coding . I am new to arm .
I think you'll want to decouple those in terms of book choices. Are you proficient in C on some other platform? If not then perhaps start there, and work through K&R's classic book on the language. I would generally avoid the GNU/GCC route if you just want to play with examples and not overly steepen the learning curve. Would suggest you download an eval of the Keil or IAR tool chains, you could try Rowley too, but the FW examples aren't tailored to it. Joseph's book cited earlier is good for understanding the part itself, and augments ARM's technical reference manuals (TRM) on the Cortex-M3. How much are you looking to invest in books?
2012-05-03 12:10 PM
The price of a good book is not a problem , as long as it will put me on track as an ARM micros programmer for real time .
I know the c language real good . So what book will help me to become good embedded programmer with ARM and KEIL ? Elico2012-05-05 7:41 AM
2012-05-06 2:16 PM
Many thanks