2019-06-24 12:06 AM
kindly conform me this micro controller suitable for ultrasonic water meter or not.
2019-06-24 12:20 AM
> kindly conform me this micro controller suitable for ultrasonic water meter or not.
Yes, of course.
But joke aside - if you want helpful answers, name all the special requirements for your project, and not just an abstract device name.
2019-06-24 2:08 AM
2019-06-24 2:13 AM
This controller is suitable or not tell me sir.
2019-06-24 2:17 AM
main requirement is i will calculate total flow,flowrate ,Reset,calibration factor set facility and time to digital converter.
2019-06-24 2:53 AM
sir, please give me your contact number.
2019-06-24 3:05 AM
This is a public forum, with mostly volunteering STM users, and very little ST staff members.
Most members, like me, are not at all associated with ST, and thus not available for lengthy consultations.
You can approach ST sales representatives or FAEs directly, they will surely assist you.
This is not the kind of information required to select a proper MCU. That would be:
2019-06-24 3:27 AM
you have any ic's for ultrasonic water meter?