2018-11-07 12:32 PM
After a view short tests with the ST Motor Profiler the Rotor seemed to stall.
(Lab-powersupply 22V 9A)
Then smoke appeared (not sure where exactly)
Now every time i want so start the Profiler it says "Over current".
Even when i set the maximum current to 0.070 mA or unplug the motor.
What has happened ? Have i made an error ?
Is there a work around ?
2018-12-03 2:29 AM
Have the same problem, but without smoke in my case. Motor is normally running with standard rc ESC.
Any help?
2018-12-03 6:40 AM
I contacted mouser and got a new one for free. They think it was a defect on that single part while manufacturing.
Sehr geehrter Herr Rügheimer,
unsere Technik geht davon aus, dass es sich um ein defektes Einzelteil handelt. Wir haben Ihnen kostenlos Ersatzware geschickt. Sollte dies auch nicht funktionieren, geben Sie mir bitte Bescheid. Den fehlerhaften Artikel benötigen wir nicht zurück.
2018-12-03 10:03 AM
Thank you for info, I bought it from Mouser too, I'll try to contact them.
And how about the new one? Does it work?