2015-02-02 9:52 AM
I'd like to display the characters on the ''GUI_Font20_1'' font above I have modified the ''Hello World example (STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.4.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Applications\STemWin\STemWin_HelloWorld) with the following changes to BASIC_HelloWorld.c.
* MainTask
#define S 117
static const char hiChars1[] = { S, S+1, S+2, S+3, S+4, S+5, S+6, S+7, S+8, S+9, 0 };
#define S 128
static const char hiChars2[] = { S, S+1, S+2, S+3, S+4, S+5, S+6, S+7, S+8, S+9, 0 };
#define S 138
static const char hiChars3[] = { S, S+1, S+2, S+3, S+4, S+5, S+6, S+7, S+8, S+9, 0 };
void MainTask(void) {
GUI_DispStringAt(hiChars1, 0, 0);
GUI_DispStringAt(hiChars2, 0, 20);
GUI_DispStringAt(hiChars3, 0, 40);
GUI_DispStringAt(hiChars1, 0, 60);
On the screen I get two display lines (with ''uvwxyz{|}~'') with two blank lines in between.
I searched the manual (UM03001) for some hint of what I had overlooked and could find nothing. What do I need to do to get the extended characters in the font to display?
2015-02-03 7:57 AM
Never mind. Displayable characters start at 160. Not obvious from the image on p229. Obvious from Table 10.28 (p 218)
It would be useful if they would have identified the character set used for the various fonts in a concrete way.2015-03-06 3:03 PM
Can you point me to the download for STemWin 5.26?Cheers,Frank2015-03-09 12:59 PM
Sure: http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259243
Bottom of the page, v1.4.0 of STM32CubeF4 includes STemWin 5.26