2014-12-18 2:43 AM
Hullo guys , This is my first time to use STemwin GUI library , everything compiled fine , and the code is simple enough just to test it
int main (){ RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_CRC, ENABLE); GUI_Init(); GUI_SetColor(GUI_RED); while(1) { }}but the GUI_Init always is giving me hard fault , but tracking the Assembly I found that the reason is the Branch statement to memory address out of scope .I increased the Stack size to 16 KB and it's still not working . GUI_Init calls GUI_X_Config and GUI_X_Init and I can get into these function while debugging , so the error occurs after the execution of these two functions . Any Suggestion ?2015-01-12 7:12 AM
Hi Muhammad,
Can you please provide us more information about the STemWin version you are using ? the STM32 device and the FW package your code is based on ? so that we reproduce your issue...Regards,Heisenberg.2015-06-04 2:04 AM
I have such problem with using STemWin GUI library and STM32F103. Hard fault handler in GUIInit() on command BLX R1 (R1=0x08004C30). How a you resolved this problem?