2014-05-14 6:07 AM
hi all, i was debugging happily my code on my new discovery F4 board when suddenly got this error
2014-05-14 6:37 AM
Jumper BOOT0 to VDD, and reboot. This will put you into System Loader mode, where you should be able to erase the device of the broken user code.
2014-05-14 6:58 AM
thank you Clive1!
now i should understand why my code made this mess :) Gio2014-05-14 7:03 AM
now i should understand why my code made this mess :)
Entering low power modes, WFI loops, reconfiguring JTAG/SWD GPIO pins, DMA, etc.2014-05-14 7:28 AM
i really don't know: it gives me problem when i use as an output PA13, i've set that pin as an open drain with pull up, in high speed mode.
do you think it could be that? thank you2014-05-14 7:36 AM
Well it's the SWDIO pin, so yes it would break the debug interface
2015-05-24 3:26 AM
I'm using STM32F429 dicovery board to program my external board having STM32F429VIT6 microcontroller.
I've configuredMy board CN2 positions of 429 Discovery
+3V3 1
Removed the CN4 jumpers and JP3 as well.I'm getting the message:2015-05-24 3:01 PM
Would suggest your design is non-functional.
The chip does not start with the external oscillator, it uses the HSI. The power-on-reset circuit is based on the Analogue supply pins. You should check the orientation and soldering of the part. You should check the capacitors and voltages at the VCAP pins. You should check the state of the NRST pin. How are the BOOTx pins configured? If you have USART1 attached to PA9/PA10 you could try sending an 0x7F byte at 9600 8E1 with BOOT0 held high at reset and observing if you get an 0x79 response. (Send Hex in something like RealTerm)2015-06-03 5:14 AM
I've configured like this:
2015-06-03 12:03 PM
VDDA not connected, needs supply as it runs the Power-On-Reset circuit
VSSA is connected to 3V3? Surely this needs to be GROUND VCAP pins? voltages?