2012-12-12 1:34 PM
I'm trying to program an STM32F415VG on a new board design. The board has power (3.3V) and the connectivity appears to be correct from the 10-pin Cortex Debug header to the chip although I'm doublechecking right now. The BOOT0 pin is pulled high on the board.
Both IAR Embedded Workbench and ST-LINK utilities say no target connected. Are there any simple checks I can do? The chip shouldn't need anything other than power, correct SWD connectivity and BOOT0 high right? *Edit* just tested with BOOT0 pulled low, same result.2012-12-12 2:03 PM
With BOOT0 High you can ping USART1 or USART3 for signs-of-life
Send 0x7F at 9600 8E1, and see if you get an 0x79 response. Generally check the Analogue and Digital supplies, NRESET/NRST level.2012-12-13 8:11 AM
Turns out the header pinout was wrong... the 10-pin footprint used ''IC'' style numbering (counterclockwise) instead of raster. Thanks for the help.