2012-09-10 12:40 AM
I am having an issue with ST-LinkV2 on a STM32L-discovery board not communicating with the IAR debugger after the system clock is lowered. In my code, I started off with the sysclk at 4.194Mhz (using the MSI), and then I break the execution, and changed a variable (var1) which changes the clock to run at 65khz, and then continue running the code.. After a few seconds, when I tried to break again, the IAR debugger will not respond, until I unplug the USB cable.. Any advice how to handle this case, I need to be able to debug when clock is changed.. if (var1 == 1) {RCC_MSIRangeConfig(
); // changes clock to 65khz var1 = 0; }