2013-07-22 2:49 AM
Hello I am facing problem to download st-link/v2 for stm32f3 discovery for linux.plz guide me or give me some links realted to that.
2013-07-22 5:39 AM
What kind of problem and why would you need st-link for? If you're on linux openocd+gdb+gcc should be something to consider...
2013-07-24 1:37 AM
thanks for reply but now i have download it from
2013-07-24 1:50 AM
Dont open multiple threads - you will create confusion.
I do not think there is indication that program is halted at all. Now I wonder why would you think so, and I wonder what is in line 39 in main.c Maybe send ''monitor reset init'' instead of just ''monitor reset''2013-07-24 2:08 AM
Sorry for Creating multiple threads.Fact is that I am new to this forum and I didn't get how to post and post is posted correctly or not.but now I got it and I will take care of now-onwards.
2013-07-24 2:18 AM
I have send ''monitor reset init'' instead of ''monitor reset'' but till same problem.
I am trying to debug software timer using freeRTOS. main.c mentioned below .But I feel that it may not problem of any source file.beacause I have check with LED blink code also but same problem so.
main.c /*! header files */ #include ''stm32f4xx.h'' #include ''FreeRTOS.h'' #include ''timers.h'' #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef void * xTimerHandle; /*! Timer Expirecounter */ long lExpireCounters = 0 ; /*! Handle to xtimerAPIs */ xTimerHandle xTimer; /*! * callback function * count the number of times the * associated timer expires, and stop the timer once the timer has expired * 10 times. */ void vTimerCallback( xTimerHandle pxTimer ) { const long MaxExpiryCount = 10 ; /*! Maximum Expiry ount */ /*! Increment the number of times that Timer has expired. */ lExpireCounters += 1; /*! If the timer has expired 10 times then stop it from running.*/ if( lExpireCounters == MaxExpiryCount ) { xTimerStop( pxTimer, 0 ); /*! Timer Stop if Condition satisfied */ } } int main( void ) {long x=1;
// line no 39
/*! Create timer */ xTimer = xTimerCreate( ''Timer'' , /*! Name for timer */ (100) , /*! The timer period in ticks.(1 ticks = 1ms) */ pdTRUE , /*! The timers will auto-reload themselves when they expire. */ (void *) x , /*! timer a unique id */ vTimerCallback /*! callback fuction ,called when Timer get expires */ ); if( xTimer == NULL ) { printf(''Timer not created''); /*! The timer was not created. */ } else { /*! Start the timer. */ if( xTimerStart ( xTimer, 0 ) != pdPASS ) { /* The timer could not be set into the Active state.*/ } else { printf(''Timer start sucessfully\n''); } } /*! Task scheduling started */ vTaskStartScheduler(); while (1); }