2012-03-11 12:40 AM
STM32 Value line discovery, IAR EW for ARM (, Windows XP, simple program. I have 2 computers: at home and at work. Run program at home - OK! Run this program at work - ''Make'' - OK!, ''Download and Debug'' - Fatal error: ST-Link Connection error. (TN0830 I have read). Thanks for your help.
2012-03-11 3:43 AM
2012-03-11 5:03 AM
Would you happen to have admin rights at home and not at work? Or other settings that might preclude normal operation, UAC, USB memory sticks disabled?
Check also SWD mode is always selected, if user code on the board crashes the ST-LINK try setting the BOOT pin high so it runs the system loader instead, and recover it that way.2012-03-11 6:14 AM
Thank you. May be reason different Windows XP at home and at work. SWO clock I instal 32 KHz (recommend on other forum) but doesnt help.
2012-03-12 2:20 AM
Hi Sergey,
had some problems using the st-link as well. I downloaded the st_link utitlity from: http://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/219866.jsp and then made shure to update the st link driver. After that the st link was also ok for my stm32f4 discovery, is maybe not the right way but helped me. Greetings Bjoern2012-03-13 11:32 AM
Thanks for you attenthion. Sorry for my English. I downloaded the st_link utitlity, but dont help, ST-Link on board in my STM32VLDiscovery. Reinstal IAR, desable antivirys program, go via the link ''Microsoft knowledgebase KB973544 article'' in the right column to download and run the file vcredist_x86.exe (for a 32-bit OS), but dont help.
2012-03-14 11:59 AM
Consider the problem solved. I deinstalled programm ''Daemon Tools (virtual disk) and may program work - LED is blinking. Thanks forum ST.