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Spirit1 Comunication Problem

Associate II
Posted on March 10, 2014 at 11:29

Greetings everybody.

I'm here to ask you some advice regarding an issue that's troubling me.

I'm working with an STM32F103 microcontroller, connected with a Spirit1 radio. What I'm trying to accomplish is a comunication with variable destination address, using 3 Spirit1 boards (1 for trasminssion, and 2 for reception). At the start-up, the system works fine; but when I try to switch the destination address, everything fails.

What am I missing?

Thank you for your time!
Posted on March 10, 2014 at 11:35

What is Spirit1 radio? How are you trying to communicate with it? What do you mean by ''variable destination address'' and how do you switch it? What do you mean by ''everything fails''?


Associate II
Posted on March 10, 2014 at 11:52

I use the term ''radio'' just as abbreviation, my mistake.

I'm using the microcontroller to comunicate with it: what I do is setting a series of packets to send to the two Spirit1 setted as receivers, and sending this packets with a third Spirit1 setted as transmitter. Each packet has its own destination address.

What happens is that the first packets (the ones I send to the first Spirit1) are receveid, then if I send something else to the second Spirit1, nothing is seen. Also, when I try to send some other data to the first one, it stops working and does not receive anything.

Posted on March 10, 2014 at 12:49

> Each packet has its own destination address.

I can't see anything in the datasheet indicating that the individual modules would have individual addresses.

> nothing is seen.

What do you expect ''to be seen''?


Associate II
Posted on March 10, 2014 at 13:07

Chapter 9.7.4:

''Destination vs. my address: the received packet is discarded if the destination

address received does not match the programmed my address of the receiver.''

Each Spirit1 can be configured with it's own address, which I can use to comunicate with it.

It's not really about what I expect to see, it's the fact that I don't see anything at all. I send just some text, like ''1Hello'' or ''2Hello''. The first should be sent to the first Spirit, the second to the second one.

Posted on March 10, 2014 at 13:19

Look, Jacopo, what I wanted you to understand is, that it's unlikely that anybody here is familiar with the devices you are using, moreover it's unreasonable to expect that anybody knows your setup to the detail. So that is what you need to describe here IN DETAIL to get any reasonable help. Othewise you waste our time and can get only garbage answers.

I would expect something like ''I have connected 3 communication modules [link] via a single SPI channel to STM32Fxxx. The CS pin of all three modules is connected to 3 different GPIO pins on the mcu, and I am handling them according to Ch.10 of the module's datasheet. Through this SPI I have configured them [so and so], and verified that by [this and that]. When I transmit XXXX through module 1, I expect to receive YYY from module 2 and ZZZZ from module 3. But when I transmit QQQ through module 1, then nothing is received from module 2 and 3''. Plus schematics and code snippets in attachment if/as appropriate.


Posted on March 10, 2014 at 14:40

Present enough of the code/initialization for the master and slave nodes so that it can be independently reviewed and analyzed.

''Doesn't Work'' is simply too vague, does this mean it doesn't transmit, or that nodes don't receive.

Can Node 1 always receive? Does it stop receiving after transmission to other nodes? Can the nodes be programmed in promiscuous mode to see all traffic regardless of destination? Or can you send a broadcast message?

This forum is mainly for STM32 issues, less so for things attached to it.
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Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on March 10, 2014 at 21:34

Don't these radios come with demonstration/sample applications? Have you spent time investigating those...?

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on March 10, 2014 at 22:01

''Don't these radios come with demonstration/sample applications?''

Click on the 'Design Resources' tab on the page you cited earlier:

Scroll down to '

Related Tools and Software'...