2016-10-16 12:27 PM
I'm trying to use SPDIFRX interface however, I've found that SPDIFRX_IT_IFEIE can be enabled but there is no IFCR bit to clear it after trigger!
Anybody knows how to clear this interrupt without SPDIFRX_IT_IFEIE bit IFCR?! regards Miko?aj Tutak #!stm32-!cubemx-!bug-!spdif-!irq2016-10-21 8:12 AM
Refer to the reference manual to have more clarification about SPDIFRX interface interrupt, in section ''SPDIF Receiver Interface (SPDIFRX)'' and ''Interrupt Flag Clear register (SPDIFRX_IFCR)''.You can use the SPDIFRX example, it may help you in your project to use the SPDIFRX HAL APIs.Regards