2016-10-14 12:43 AM
Dear STMicro staff,
I found a bug in CubeMX, so I want you to fix this bug.
Device : STM32F429IEHx
Peripheral : Master Clock OutputIn HAL_RCC_MCOConfig(), MCO pin's speed is set in GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH.
But after that, MX_GPIO_Init() is called, and the function changes the speed into GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW. Because of this speed change, Highly frequency clock won't be output from MCO port.I hope this information will help you improve your products.
Yours faithfully,
F.Nimura2016-10-14 1:22 AM
Hi F.Nimura,
Thank you for your feedback. The issue has been reported internally.-Syrine-2016-10-21 8:15 AM
Hi F.Nimura,
GPIO_Init uses GPIO_InitStruct.Its settings are coming from the Configuration Tab->GPIO.
In this window, you have to select the needed output speed for RCC_MCO_1.
Could you please confirm which settings are in use in that window ?