2018-05-18 6:32 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm not using CUBEMX or HAL drivers, i'm programming manually on stm32f746g disco board. When i build and debug, some registers are configured but some are not configured. If i restart the debug without extermination those registers which are not configured becomes configured. What can be the reason behind this problem. Can you please help about that issue?
(LTDC registers are written but LTDC_Layer1 registers not before restart).
Thanks a lot.
2018-05-18 7:27 AM
Not sure I follow completely.
Perhaps write code to read, dump and decode registers, and output via USART or SWV, so you can inspect/understand without the debugger.
Haven't dug deeply into LTDC at register level. On the write side you could perhaps write to registers, or FIFO structures, etc that you might not be able to read back directly.
2018-05-18 9:44 AM
Actually, when i change the 'LTDC shadow reload configuration
(LTDC_SRCR)' register from 'immediate load' to 'vertical blanking load', all the registers i want to write was written. I'm working on to understand the function of shadow registers and their reload modes. Do you have any knowledge about these registers from any other peripherals or something else different than LTDC because you said you haven't dug deeply into LTDC at register level.
Thanks a lot.