2015-09-07 2:34 AM
I have some problems with FMC when I try to port my code from SMT32F407(with FSMC interface) to new project based on STM32F746(with FMC). The only changes I've made are timings(adapted to 216 MHz clock) and init structures(FSMC => FMC). I have also SRAM connected to the same data and address bus and it works well, so I think that my hardware is ok and problem is inside init code. Thus, I have few questions: is there any difference between using FMC on STM32F4 and STM32F7? Should I change or add something in initialisation code when using FMC on STM32F7? #nor-flash-fmc-stm32f72015-09-07 6:04 AM
Hi mszal.rafal,
I'd highly recommend you to have a look to thishttp://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/application_note/DM00164538.pdf
that provides guidelines on hardware migration from an existing STM32F42xxx/STM32F43xxx device to STM32F74xxx/STM32F75xxx device based design.Also go to the project under STM32Cube F7 package:STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Examples\FMC\FMC_NOR, it can be very useful.-Syrine-2015-09-08 4:24 AM
Thank you for response Syrine.
I've read this application note and I can see no difference between FMC and FSMC when it comes to NOR flash. My init code is strongly based on example from cube package that you've mentioned: http://pastebin.com/DE5qJJhM I've also compared BCR1 and BCR3 registers values on debug and they looks the same on STM32F4 and STM32F7 . Do you have any suggestions what else should I check? Regards, Rafal2015-09-08 4:52 AM
> I have some problems with FMC
What problems exactly? > I have also SRAM connected to the same data and address bus and it works well, I can't see that initialized in your code. Post the relevant GPIO and FMC registers content. JW2015-09-08 6:17 AM
Hello Jan,
I don't use SRAM right now, I've tested it and it works so I comment it out and focused on NOR. I'm just pretty sure that hardware is ok. Here is SRAM init code: http://pastebin.com/8cw9BnXY When I try to read ID I get 0xFFFF. It looks like NOR does not respond. I can see on oscilloscope that chip select signal is generated. FMC registers right after init: http://pasteboard.co/uf0x4Ej.png2015-09-08 7:39 AM
> I don't use SRAM right now, I've tested it and it works so I comment it out
And the chipselect of the SRAM after ''commented it out'' is...? JW2015-09-08 9:45 AM
Chip select of the SRAM (PD7) is configured with the rest of FMC pins as AF push-pull with pull-up and stays high during NOR tests.
2015-09-08 10:03 AM
I see.
Humm. So, you say you can see all 3 control signals (chip select, read, write) toggling (as observed directly on the memory's pins to exclude faulty soldering), data changing when writing as expected (you can write dummy data with only one bit cleared at a time to observe proper wiring), yet no response to the ID command? Is this an *identical* board with the '40x board, only with different mcu, or is this a new design? If the latter, couldn't the data or address pins be swapped? It wouldn't matter for the SRAM but it would matter for the FLASH. JW2015-09-10 6:43 AM
Strange, but it finally started to work when I disabled D-Cache. I will write something more when I figure out what exactly happened.
Thank you for help Jan.2015-09-10 7:26 AM
That sounds like you've been hit by a cache-gotcha ... ;) Unfortunately, there's no equivalent of PM0214 for the STM 'M7; but if the memory access behaviour is the same as in PM0214 Tab.13, the FMC area lies in ''External RAM'' region, which is of ''Normal'' memory type, thus cacheable, reorderable... JW