2015-10-06 7:20 AM
I have software written for a STM32L151 and now want to port it to a STM32F20x. Does anybody know if these are software compatible concerning the registers, the register bits and their function and other stuff. Thanks a lot Martin2015-10-06 7:33 AM
Porting a reasonably sized app from an F1 to F2 under the SPL took under a day for the core functionality, most of the effort was dealing with the different pin configuration methods. The L1 should be more similar to the F2/F4 than the F1 was.
If you're doing stuff at the register level, expect to take a lot longer dealing the bits and registers. The compiler might catch a lot of this, but you'll have to battle through the errors and warnings, and double check the manuals. It's going to depend a lot on how well partitioned/abstracted your code is, and if you put in any thought to portability from the outset. Sit down with the manuals, and compare-n-contrast the peripheral that are most critical to your design, and gauge how different they are.2015-10-06 7:48 AM
Hi Martin,
I'd highly recommend you to have a look to thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/resource/technical/document/application_note/DM00024853.pdf
application note it can be very useful.-Syrine-