2012-10-19 9:51 AM
The STM32L1xx reference manual has this text in the DMA section:
The 7 requests from the peripherals (TIMx[2,3,4,6,7], ADC1, SPI[1,2], I2Cx[1,2], USARTx[1,2,3]) and DAC Channelx[1,2] are simply logically ORed before entering the DMA, this means that only one request must be enabled at a time. Refer to
Figure 25: DMA request mapping
2012-10-19 10:02 AM
DMA1 has seven channels, each channel has up to 5 potential sources.
The combinations of peripherals that can connect together is finite. You can support DMA to all 3 USARTs, but not SPI1 and USART3, for example. Figure 35, Page 205, Sources for each channel Table 40, Page 206, One peripheral source from each column/channel2012-10-19 10:31 AM
Thank you. So to put it another way, all channels can operate simultaneously; it's just that you can only have one source per channel. That is certainly the more reasonable way, although I would still suggest that the wording in that paragraph that I cited is poor. Thanks for confirming what I hoped...