2015-06-26 1:52 PM
I want to simulation my program for STM32f030p4 in the keil compiler but simulator don't work correctly and it show this error.
[/img]would you please help me.....
I guess that the problem is in the parts that I noted below so what should I write in the blankets for STM32f030p4
[/img]thanks .....
2015-06-26 2:14 PM
Suggests the Keil Simulator doesn't support your chip, it supports very few, at $10 for DISCO boards the business driver for supporting these chips in the simulator is low.
2015-06-26 5:15 PM
I had this error before for my LPC768 chip too and I changed noted place and it worked.
please visit this page.. http://www.keil.com/forum/59683/#msg193718 would you please tell me where can I find and exact list of chips that can be simulated in keil.2015-06-27 12:04 PM
Hello again ....
I found movie in youtube that simulate STM32f0 chips. consequently this IC has the capability to be simulated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u1bNgDMd9A Also I found a site that simulated this chip too http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/122140/is-the-output-clock-correct what should I do? would you please help me2015-07-02 5:42 AM
Try the solution given here, maybe it will works. Besides, be sure that ''Load Application at Startup'' in window ''options for Target ...'' is selected. If it is unselected, this can cause the generation of error 65. Regards2015-07-07 8:10 AM
Keil breaks down on several pages the chips they support. Usually just Googling your part number should take you to a page on their site devoted to your specific part.
The simulator is best suited to generic ARM7 or ARM9 parts where you are not touching peripherals, ie you want to test C or Assembler code. If you're using it as a purely educational tool, you'd pick a part which has solid emulation/simulation support.There are currently too many part variants to expect Keil to support non-paying ''customers'' using the simulator. Given the relative cheapness of eval and demo boards there really isn't a business case to use a simulator. People using ARM cores in custom ASICs have a different cost perspective for tools, and expect gate level accuracy, not emulation.2015-07-27 5:46 AM
Hello again ....
I found movie in youtube that simulate STM32f0 chips. consequently this IC
has the capability to be simulated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u1bNgDMd9A At the bottom of the screen you see ''St Link Debugger'', so this is not an simulation as Keil can do with some chips, but an in circuit debugging with the St-link.