2008-02-14 2:15 AM
Simple Interrupt!
2011-05-17 3:23 AM
I have some problems getting startet to use the interrupt on a MCBSTM32 kit. I want to handle the overflow interrupt from timer2, but I can´t figger out how to do it. The interrupt is located at address 0x000000B0, but how do I tell the micro to jump to my ISR, when the interrupt occurs?? What else should i do, to get it running?? -Niels [ This message was edited by: nj_boelskov on 14-02-2008 10:39 ]2011-05-17 3:23 AM
Hello Niels,
Just prepare an array of 32-bit elements and put it at address 0 in the memory (it depends on the compiler, you are using). The first item in the array is the value of MSP at start-up, the second is the reset vector and item number 44 should be a pointer to your ISR. BTW, there is an example in the firmware library from ST - see the file stm32f10x_vector.c. Regards, Ivan