2009-12-01 8:00 PM
Serial Number in a STM32 controller?
2011-05-17 4:32 AM
I use the STM32F103ZE for a industrial application. It is important for some parts to have a serial number inside my code.
I won't generate for each controller a new programm, where I always change the internal serial number on a #define. Have some one of you some experience how I can generate a software serial number? Maybe the STM32F103ZE has a hard-programmed serial number, which a can read and use for my programm. [ This message was edited by: andem2 on 01-12-2009 23:00 ]2011-05-17 4:32 AM
2011-05-17 4:32 AM
You saved my day!
I worked with the ref manual #8 and there wasn't any hint about the unique ID.