2016-10-15 2:20 AM
I'm trying to run uclinux on my discovery board.I loaded EMcafts uboot on my board,and then I wanted to enter command mode but it is impossible!I tryed hyper terminal and tera term on windows and of course Ckermit on linux, I get this from different consoles but I cant send anything to the board and so I can NOT stop autoboot!I've been working on it for about 5 days and it makes me crazy,please help me about it!should I make some changes on my board (like removing sb11 & sb15) ? or this problem is related to software?or this is problem related to my keyboard?Guys HEEELLLPPPU-Boot 2010.03-cortexm-1.14.2 (Sep 04 2015 - 19:58:13)CPU : STM32F4 (Cortex-M4)Freqs: SYSCLK=180MHz,HCLK=180MHz,PCLK1=45MHz,PCLK2=90MHzBoard: STM32F429-DISCOVERY Rev 1.ADRAM: 8 MB*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environmentIn: serialOut: serialErr: serialNet: STM32_MACHit any key to stop autoboot: 0Wrong Image Format for bootm commandERROR: can't get kernel image!STM32F429-DISCO>2016-10-15 10:08 AM
What USART on the F429 is it using? Have you tried writing a small app to test that the USART successfully receives/transmits?
Not much traffic here with EmCraft issues, suggest you try them for support, or forums related to that. your output indicates you just loaded uBoot, you'd still need to write the kernel image, perhaps you could do it via the ST-LINK If you need to change solder bridges, then review that documentation and schematic. Review what ever tutorial or instructions the ucLinux release provides.2016-10-15 12:14 PM
2016-10-16 7:51 PM
Not much EmCraft support here, you'll need to seek that directly..
You might want to valid the USART1 and pin connectivity, and what you're using to connect to it. Are you using a USB-to-CMOS Serial adapter? How is that wired? Again going to suggest that you code a small echo application that will allow you to test/validate the connectivity.