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Has anybody implemented a small compiler that runs on an STM32 M3 or M7 to produce code for itself. Must be a compiler, not interpreter, as runtime speed is paramount. Doesn't need to be a complete C++ instruction set, a mini-C or something like that would be fine.


It's not a rice cooker 🙂 It has six H750s and a dozen F103s with several LCDs as a minimum configuration. I don't want to discuss the application, but being able to make small changes in the field without a PC loaded with a complete STM32 development system is a definite plus. The code uses a very small subset of C++ (more C really) so it's not undoable.

> The code uses a very small subset of C++ (more C really) so it's not undoable.

That's true, but it is not the problem.

The problem is, MCUs are made for specific use cases. And practically no other user needs such a thing. Except you ...

I believe there are small compilers/linkers around you can port to the ARM CM4.

Or try the MP1 (or a competitors Cortex A - Cortex M multicore), which would give you a full-blown toolchain, even with SSH console and/or graphics GUI.

I agree I'm a niche, but remember the H7xx's have more power than the first iPhone processors and come with all the ports built in rather than needing support ICs. And at $5 they open up new markets, and supplant existing solutions such as TI and ADI DSPs which can self-compile and debug their own code.

But the solution offered by the first person posting is looking promising.