2019-07-23 05:18 AM
I'm working with SDIO to write data to a sd card and I'm using DMA.
The basic process of my project is :
1.Get 512 bytes data from an external ADC
2.Write it into a SD card
I want to use the multiple block write mode, but everytime just send 1 block data, so I don't need to send the single blcok write command each time.
I'm struggled with this for a long time , does anyone have any suggestion?
After implementing HAL_DMA_Start_IT(), the dma modle doesn't start sending data to FIFO, it will only be triggered after DPSM is re-enabled. Is my understanding right?
Many thanks,
2019-07-23 05:58 AM
Large aligned writes through FatFS will pass to DISKIO layer as cluster size writes.
Have a 32KB spill buffer, and flush to card whenever full, or at completion.
ST has SDIO/SDMMC code supporting multiple block read/write.
2019-07-23 06:03 AM
Thanks for response, but I don't want to use FatFs. I noticed this function "HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA", but every time it will do lots of initialization.
I was thinkg I send write multiple blocks command to sd card, and everytime just reenable dma and dpsm, but I failed. Any suggestion?