2016-03-16 6:16 AM
i have configured the sdio on stm32f4. i couldnt understand why they called it as FIFO instead of data register. could anyone explain why ?2016-03-16 1:08 PM
Well because it is up to 32 ''registers'' deep?
The FIFO expands and contracts, providing a degree of elasticity in the data rates, from an interface that has rigid timing requirements, with one with latency, and contention, but arguably more rapid?2016-03-17 3:45 AM
Hi emb_begin
Could you maybe explain to me, how to configure the SDIO?We're trying it since days but couldn't even initialize.I hope you have the time to explain it to meThanksTolga :)2016-03-17 4:33 AM
Hi tolga,
sure.. let me know your mail address if u still need some help.