2013-06-24 6:13 AM
Hi All ,
Till now i worked with the STM3240G-EVAL , At the beginning i had a problem that i received DMA timeout when i tried to write to the sd-card. The was due to a problem that the DMA interrupt , i.e the 3 next lines :SDIO_ITConfig(SDIO_IT_DCRCFAIL | SDIO_IT_DTIMEOUT | SDIO_IT_DATAEND | SDIO_IT_RXOVERR | SDIO_IT_STBITERR, ENABLE);
SD_LowLevel_DMA_TxConfig((uint32_t *)writebuff, (NumberOfBlocks * BlockSize));
which enable the DMA were after the DMA request was sent , causing me to go into DMA timeout , i fixed this issue by moving this 3 lines before the DMA request is sent and everything was fine.
Now i started working with STM3220G-EVAL which is basically the same evaluation board with the same peripherals and drivers ,the main difference is that is Cortex M3 instead of Cortex M4 , i fixed this issue the same i did on the first evaluation board,
But for some reason it does not solve the issue , and i am receiving DMA timeout , i.e i never get to here :
void SD_ProcessDMAIRQ(void)
DMAEndOfTransfer = 0x01; //<---Here
I don't have any clue why does it happen , maybe some one here can help me with the issue ?
2013-06-29 11:04 PM
A little update , so i fixed the issue :
My whole program is running on the external RAM , what i found out that the FSMC r/w timing parameters are a little bit different between the evaluation boards , and that what cause the problem when i tried writing to the SDIO , so i corrected the FSMC settings and everything works like magic . Michael