2013-10-14 9:51 AM
I'm an absolutely beginner in microcontrollers. I want to display jpg from SD Card. I create a list file from sd card, but I have no idea for next step Can anybody tell me the next step? Thank You Photo to Attachments2013-10-14 1:24 PM
I'm an absolutely(sic) beginner
then start with something simpler e.g. 'blinky' Erik
2013-10-14 1:58 PM
Take a look at the STemWin library and how it paints the JPEG to the screen, or find an equivalent library to decode JPEG images.
STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.0\Projects\Demonstration\Core\Demo\demo_image.c2013-10-14 4:27 PM
May I gently record vote # 2 for Erik's advice - and start w/something far more suited to a beginner. Suspect that a beginner would be challenged even in ''finding'' STemWin - knowing what to do with it - even harder...
No explanation for this project's need - or goals was provided. We suspect - that while the internet opens so many interesting doors - the proper mating of ''required skills, tools, appropriate knowledge'' to ''planned task'' - remains firmly closed/bolted... There exists a faster, far easier means to, ''display pictures'' - while gaining MCU experience. Digital photo-frames have plunged in price - and w/in the past several years ''Circuit Cellar'' magazine (one example) has outlined a clever means to exploit image display when combined & managed via a far simpler, MCU control board. In this manner - many/most of the especially unpleasant & difficult aspects of such a project have been solved - freeing you to focus upon your application and its (now) far simpler satisfaction.2013-10-15 1:53 PM
I am NOT interested to JPG is very good a c file (bmp.c) sample
Many Thanks to all gentlemen for answer .