2012-08-06 8:44 AM
I am using SD card in SPI mode with STM32F107VC,i am using External Hi speed clock(25MHz) and i am dividing with SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_64 to initialize the SD card,here i am using SPI2 and SPI3 with both the SPIs i have problem,when i am testing i am getting problem like data which i am writing into data register is not getting updated, when i send CMD0 response will continuously 0xFF i am getting from SD card,when i observed on hardware bus using logic analyzer clock is appearing properly and data which i am sending is not showing properly and clock also some times not getting properly,if any suggestions regarding the same will be highly appreciated and if any one have SD card in SPI mode(STM32F107VC) code for reference it will be very help full... Thanks in advance... Regards, Mujeeb Shaik. #sd-card #sd-card #sd-card #metoo #sd-card #sd-card2013-03-18 5:26 AM
Hi! Clive,
I tried the same example and in the same eval board but it didn't work.2013-03-18 6:03 AM
Didn't work how?
If the SPI clock is too fast, then you'll need to increase the prescaler setting. How fast is it actually now? If the HSE crystal is missing you might want to talk this through with the STMicro reps/FAE you are renting the board from. Are some commands failing? If so which ones. Do the signals look right on a scope/analyzer?2013-03-19 12:39 AM
Hello Clive,
I configured PLL as a system clock source. The input to the PLL is HSI/2 which is of 4MHz and the multiplication factor is 6 there by i achieved the 24MHz. the SPI baud rate prescaler is SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_64. but it is still not working i am getting the Error status which is SD_DATA_OTHER_ERROR when i send the idle state command.Thank you,Manjunatha