2015-09-20 3:50 AM
Hello everyone !
I've successfully connected stm32f4 discovery board with Matlab R2015a Simulink, but when i make a block diagram for generating simple pwm on simulink and set the sampling time of 0.1 milli seconds or less than that then a significant time delay is observed on output ports of stm board, the output is not accurate in that case...!Anyone, who've struggled and came up with a solution, help me please !I'll be highly obliged...Regards ! #stm32f42015-10-06 8:48 AM
Hi butt.usman,
For R2014b and R2015a MATLAB version, code generation for peripheral initialization is not done. This will be solved for R2015b. In this link you will find a patch to workaround the problem. Remark: Please login with your MathWorks account to see the page mentioned above and download files. -Shahrzad-2015-10-14 5:22 AM
thanks a lot shahrzad !