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Role of System Bank 2 in STM32H7x5


In STM32H7x5 series, the MCU has 2 System Memory banks. Bank 1 is clearly described in reference manual, but not bank 2. My question is:

  1. What is the role of bank 2?
  2. Can user use bank 2 to flash homebrew bootloader?
  3. How to boot to bank 2?

Doesn't the second bank assign to the CM4 core?

Can't you define the CM7 and CM4 starting addresses in the options bytes?

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Not exactly. Reference manual does not explicitly mention that bank 2 assign to CM4 core, unless I missed something from manual.

In [1], it's stated only System Bank 1 is read-only.

In [2], it stated that bank 2 can act as bootloader extensions, while what it mean by that is unclear.

In [3], its mentioned that WRITE not possible on bank 2 if system not booted using ST bootloader, implying bank 2 programmable by user under certain condition.

I agree that user can use options bytes to configure boot starting address. A clear explanation about System memory bank 2 would be nice though.


[1] Table 13, pg 159, RM0399 Rev 2

[2] Figure 8, pg 160, RM0399 Rev 2

[3] Pg 200, RM0399 Rev 2