2019-07-03 10:34 PM
In STM32H7x5 series, the MCU has 2 System Memory banks. Bank 1 is clearly described in reference manual, but not bank 2. My question is:
2019-07-03 10:53 PM
Doesn't the second bank assign to the CM4 core?
Can't you define the CM7 and CM4 starting addresses in the options bytes?
2019-07-03 11:17 PM
Not exactly. Reference manual does not explicitly mention that bank 2 assign to CM4 core, unless I missed something from manual.
In [1], it's stated only System Bank 1 is read-only.
In [2], it stated that bank 2 can act as bootloader extensions, while what it mean by that is unclear.
In [3], its mentioned that WRITE not possible on bank 2 if system not booted using ST bootloader, implying bank 2 programmable by user under certain condition.
I agree that user can use options bytes to configure boot starting address. A clear explanation about System memory bank 2 would be nice though.
[1] Table 13, pg 159, RM0399 Rev 2
[2] Figure 8, pg 160, RM0399 Rev 2
[3] Pg 200, RM0399 Rev 2