2012-11-17 7:54 AM
Maybe a dumb question but....Would it be possible to remap like 6 inputs of ADC1 to other pins? (stm32f4discovery)I just found some info regarding the remapping of can etc. and i couldn't find theinfo for ADC1.Thanks,Kenny2012-11-17 8:26 AM
Pretty much the Analogue pins are what they are, specific channels on specific pins
2012-11-17 9:02 AM
I can remap the CAN? I can for example on the STM32F4 discovery change the PB5 and PB6 pin of CAN2 and use other pins?
2012-11-17 9:20 AM
Digital signals are a lot easier to route willy-nilly across the die, you just can't do this with Analogue signals without introducing all kinds of noise and signal degradation.
2012-11-17 9:23 AM
That sounds logical......
It would've been great though.Thank you