2014-10-02 8:05 AM
I try to test my application with a new setup with external SRAM on the STM3240G kit, for heap and stack.I use FatFS on SDIO which needs DMA. When I read a file there is a problem.I know it is not possible to read a file to CCMRAM because of the DMA. Then is it the same problem?Thank you.2014-10-02 9:04 AM
You should be able to DMA to external memory (FSMC), but it will be slower, with whatever ramifications come with that. ie 16-bit wide, multiple cycles, heavier contention.
2014-10-03 2:37 AM
2014-10-03 2:49 AM
Of course, it will be slower.
There are two thing to mention here: First, you cannot startup with an external stack, as it does not exist at this stage. Second, if you have a rigid interrupt regime, it might blow. Interrupts imply stack operations. I would opt for other data to move to external RAM, but not the stack.But if I don't have enough memory I must see for alternate solution.
There are other MCUs, and other vendors.