2017-10-20 1:26 AM
In repository (STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.8.0) for a board STM32F769I-DISCO, there aren't any examples for a QSPI, a contrary to STM32F769I-EVAL board that the example is present.
I copied the example, I changed the GPIO connection but still don't work.There are a correct examples?#qspi #qspi-flash-memory-mapped-bootload-stm32f7 #stm32f7-discovery2017-10-26 3:19 PM
Hi, maybe you will find this project useful:
2017-10-26 8:19 PM
the example is in STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.8.0/Projects/STM32F769I-Discovery/Examples/BSP
things to remember - you need to erase an area before writing to it, and you have to go to the next available block [read data sheet for block size] before writing something else otherwise you overwrite and corrupt. reading is fast. writing is very slow. please pardon my sloppy and plagiarized code as im just a bit fumbling amateur that does this for fun
ignore the cubemx app generated code in the project and pay attention to the BSP driver code instead.
I also did one for usb otg with a thumb drive
2018-06-08 3:35 AM
This popped up on the feed today so I'll add some more info
There is BSP code, and examples using it, there isn't an Examples\QSPI directory, which seems a bit of an oversight, but things could be ported from other examples, you might have to pay attention to pins and chips involved.
I've also ported a working STLDR example to the platform.
2018-08-11 7:11 AM
Hi , can anyway tell me where QSPI gpio pin configuration happens in the examples ? I can't seam to find it in the AUDIO player recorder project for example
2018-08-11 7:53 AM
It's in the BSP QSPI file:
void BSP_QSPI_MspInit(QSPI_HandleTypeDef *hqspi, void *Params);