2014-06-04 1:15 PM
I want to declare an array of constant values and have them put into code memory.Something like this:const uint16_t my_array[4] = {0x3456, 0x789A, 0x1234, 0x9876};I want to be able to download the code and then start up STM32 ST-LINK Utility and search for one of the values and find the whole array.I'm pretty sure I can do it using #pragmas and/or attributes and maybe the scatter file ... but I just haven't figured out the right combo.I'm using Keil uvision and a STM32F401.I'd appreciate any help I can get.Mike2014-06-04 1:47 PM
const or static const should suffice, where does the .MAP file say the array is placed? Data copied to RAM might be compressed, but stuff held in ROM/FLASH should be visible
Are you searching for the right pattern? Try using some endian neutral values like 0x1111,0x2222, etc2014-06-04 3:34 PM
Thanks clive1 (as always). I had looked at the .map file and swear I couldn't find it but now ... of course I can. I think my main problem is that in the STM32 ST-LINK there is a window for Size and it was set to something less than the full code area so when I did a search it did not go to the end, duh! Anyway, setting it to const is enough, it shows up just like I thought it should.