2019-01-20 12:42 PM
According to the STM32F4/F7 data sheet FMC controller support 32-bit bus PSRAM. For my application I would like to use this configuration, due to a high bandwidth requirement. However, in the market it seems very difficult to find a PSRAM with 32-bits bus. At least I could not find anything so far. Could someone please point to some products available, if those exist?
If feasible, I could use two 16-bit PSRAM. But it was also hard to find an example of doing so. Is it possible to connect two 16-bits PSRAM to one STM32F4/F7 and write to these simultaneously?
2019-01-20 1:44 PM
In general widering the data bus by using duplicated memories (2x16 bit) should work in principle.
2019-01-21 9:23 AM
In that case what kind of FSMC configuration could I choose? In STM32CubeMX when I activate a PSRAM channel, other cahnnels are all marked as 'conflict ..'. This is same even for STM32H7 with BGA packages.
2019-01-21 9:35 AM
Who knows if CubeMX is smart enough, but the timings/mode would be the same whether with width is 8, 16 or 32-bit wide.
You need to configure the Data Bus pins, and also the Byte Lane ones.
Might need external glue logic to manage the chip select and byte lane.