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Programming STM32L072 (STM32 LoRa discovery kit) through UART interface using command line Flash loader

SM R.1

I was able to successfully program the STM32 Lora discovery kit using the GUI version of the Flash loader through UART interface. I am trying to program the STM32 Lora discovery kit using the command line version of the Flash loader provided by ST. The following is the command I executed:

STMFlashLoader.exe -c --pn 37 --br 9600 --db 8 --pr EVEN --sb 1 --ec OFF --to 10000 STM32L0_x3_x2_x1_192K -d --a 8000000 -e --sec 5 --fn C:\Lora\loRa_Reference\trunk\NUCLEO_CUBE_LORA_green.bin

I am unable to see the expected result. I tried to use the option erase all too, but no success. I want to customize Flash loader tool and use it. Can anyone point out, what is missing ?