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Program STM32F103C8T6 with Eclipse on a Windows 10 machine

Gary Rubin
Associate III
Posted on April 29, 2017 at 04:09

OK, I am sold on STM32 big time. The devices I am using are on a development board, but it's the STM32F103C8T6 at the core. It is the same device used to program using STLINK V2 from a discovery board.

When I can program this device, I plan to production run my own board using this device. 

What I am having lots of issues with is programming the device with other than the Arduino IDE. I want to use Eclipse on a Windows 10 machine, and maybe use my home Debian Linux server but it has no GUI. I do not want to CLI or Command Line Interface this board for now.

I have gone through numerous tutorials and posts about using OpenOCD with Eclipse, but nothing I have followed has worked.

I am using a STM32 discovery board to program my STM32F103C8T6 and it works fine with Arduino IDE. I want to break out of the Ardiuno IDE though and use Eclipse. I am interested in using my Eclipse Neon 3 build to program everything I have embedded that supports SWD.

I don't want my hand held in doing this. Just a link to a working tutorial would be good enough for me. Advice in addition would be cool, but I know all of you are so busy.

Thank you for your time!



Posted on May 09, 2017 at 01:47

I solved it. I had a windows God Mode shortcut on my desktop. Apparently, that is all that was needed to crash java apps dependent on JRE. See my stack overflow post here.

Something worth putting into OneNote for sure. I removed the shortcut and now all my java apps work again. YAY! This caused me a day of research into my goal, but certainly vindicates the software recommended here. It looks like I will be able to build my IDE or use System Workbench to reach my goal and finally close this thread. Thank you again AvaTar for your help and advice!

Gary Rubin
Associate III
Posted on May 13, 2017 at 22:00

This thread was prematurely marked as ANSWERED and it was not by me, but that is perfectly ok. It was my fault because I layered another related issue on top of the original posted issue/question. Fact is, both issues are solved. The Java App crash issue by me, and now the original issue, by me again!

I could not get System Workbench to work for me. Not because the software is faulty, it is because my routes to success were flawed in some way, maybe outdated or misinformation. I DID get my Eclipse to be able to build, flash, and debug my board though using the GNU-ARM approach with separately configured software and components. It took a lot of tweaking, but it works great with my STM32L152C Discovery board configured as an ST-LINK adapter for external use (jumpers pulled and SWD interface used) and attached “Blue Pill� STM32F103C8T6 development board. For anyone that asks, I will post what I did. I am writing that up this weekend actually so I do not forget the hoops I had to jump through.

I have not tested this with my Nucleo F411RE board just yet. That is coming this weekend. I have 2 each of the Nucleo and Discovery boards mentioned. At least now I can program AND DEBUG my target board and processor and not be dependent of the hand-holding of Arduino IDE. It is great for what it did for me and countless others, but I have moved to a higher plane.

Thanks again to the contributors of my thread!! I appreciate your time and knowledge!